I sommerprognosen fremgår det blandt andet, hvordan EU-landes økonomi ser ud i første del af året. Den indeholder også en prognose for udvikling i vækst og inflation i 2020 og 2021. EU-Kommissionen forventer, at EU-landenes økonomier vil skrumpe med 8,3 procent i bruttonationalprodukt (bnp) i 2020.


EU:s ekonomi beräknas krympa med 7,5 % under 2020 och växa med cirka 6 % 2021. Tillväxtprognoserna för EU och euroområdet har reviderats ned med cirka 9 procentenheter jämfört med den ekonomiska höstprognosen 2019.

Users, practitioners, experts, researchers and solution seekers and providers in EU institutions and agencies as well as in national public services and universities are The Commission is expected to present a proposal in the second quarter of 2021. Background. While the EU has already substantially reduced its domestic greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), those from imports have been rising, thereby undermining the EU’s efforts to reduce its global GHG footprint. Indeed, the European automotive industry is one of the most heavily regulated sectors in Europe with more than 100 EU Regulations and 80 Directives covering the sector’s activities. That is why ACEA has long been advocating the need for smarter, rather than simply more, legislation. 2021-04-05 16/02/2021 EU-wide restrictions protect the health of citizens by reducing risks of serious illness such as cancers, sexual development disorders, asthma and skin allergies. They also prevent 100 000 tonnes of chemicals from polluting the environment every year.

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2021-03-17 MEPs approved the rules for the InvestEU programme for 2021-2027 during the plenary session taking place on 8-11 March. The programme succeeds the European Fund for Strategic Investments, established in 2015 as the core of the Juncker Plan to increase public and private investment in Europe. The new programme brings together financial instruments aiming to support investments that are … The ENDORSE conference is taking place on 16-19 March 2021 as a digital event. It is creating an opportunity to link expertise to tackle current and future issues in the fields of interoperability and knowledge management.

The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.

The Commission is expected to present a proposal in the second quarter of 2021. Background. While the EU has already substantially reduced its domestic greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), those from imports have been rising, thereby undermining the EU’s efforts to reduce its global GHG footprint.

I nästa flerårsbudget 2021-2027 ska det finnas en ny mekanism som ska göra det möjligt att stoppa utbetalningar av EU-stöd till länder som undergräver rättsstatens principer. ERC Consolidator grants are designed to support researchers of any nationality at the stage of consolidating their own research team or programme.

Week 13, 2021

”Vi ska banne mig bygga  Detta enligt en ny opinionsundersökning från . Det är EU:s statistikorgan ”Eurostat” som tagit fram nya siffror där de benämner risken för fattigdom samt hur  Jokersystemet är helt gratis för sportspelen, dvs Stryktipset, Europatipset, Topptipset och Powerplay. Det räcker att du fyller i din mailadress och väljer ett lösenord  Interaktiv sammanställning av alla väljarbarometrar sedan 2000. Se enkelt var opinionen är på väg och hur den varit historiskt. Medelvärde. Valresultatet september 2018 och månadsvisa oviktade medelvärden av opinionsundersökningar från och med oktober 2018 av Demoskop (till oktober 2019), Sifo, Novus, Ipsos, Inizio (Demoskop/Inizio från oktober 2019) och Sentio sammanfattas enligt följande. The EU needs to define where it wants to be by 2020.

While the EU has already substantially reduced its domestic greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), those from imports have been rising, thereby undermining the EU’s efforts to reduce its global GHG footprint. Indeed, the European automotive industry is one of the most heavily regulated sectors in Europe with more than 100 EU Regulations and 80 Directives covering the sector’s activities.
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Opinionsundersokning 2021 eu

The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience. 2021-03-17 MEPs approved the rules for the InvestEU programme for 2021-2027 during the plenary session taking place on 8-11 March. The programme succeeds the European Fund for Strategic Investments, established in 2015 as the core of the Juncker Plan to increase public and private investment in Europe. The new programme brings together financial instruments aiming to support investments that are … The ENDORSE conference is taking place on 16-19 March 2021 as a digital event.

SAWP Meeting dates 2021 1st meeting 11 January – 14 January 2021 2nd meeting 8 February – 11 February 2021 3rd meeting 8 March – 11 March 2021 4th meeting 6 April –9 April 2021* 5th meeting 3 May – 6 May 2021 6th meeting 7 June – 10 June 2021 7th meeting 5 July – 8 July 2021 8th meeting 30 August – 2 September 2021 EU-parlamentet ser positiva signaler i förhandlingarna med medlemsländerna om ny en mekanism för att villkora EU-pengar med respekt för demokratiska grundprinciper. I nästa flerårsbudget 2021-2027 ska det finnas en ny mekanism som ska göra det möjligt att stoppa utbetalningar av EU-stöd till länder som undergräver rättsstatens principer. ERC Consolidator grants are designed to support researchers of any nationality at the stage of consolidating their own research team or programme. This grant scheme will strengthen recently created independent and excellent research teams.
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Från EU- och Natohåll uttalas stöd för Ukraina. Landets president Volodomyr Zelenskyj vill också skynda på landets anslutning till Nato.

Statistiska centralbyråns stora opinionsundersökning visar ett stort stöd för EU bland folket – 58,6 % av svenskarna är i huvudsak för det svenska EU-medlemskapet. 03 feb 2021 EU-kommissionen lanserar debatt om hur man reagerar på  PFI låter utföra en opinionsundersökning år 2021. PFI följer opinionsundersökningar i Sverige, Norge och Finland med anknytning till säkerhets- och  Demoskops väljarbarometer mars 2021.