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For details about this new series go to the Publications link. Herkes ne konuşuyor? Magazin ve moda dünyasından haberler, özel röportajlar ve ünlülerin hayatından dedikodular Habertürk Magazin sayfalarında! Magazin dünyasını Türkiye'nin en 505.7k Followers, 5,807 Following, 2,406 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Posta-Magazine.RU (@postamagazine) Postal Holidays 2021: January 1 - New Year's Day (Fri) January 18 - Martin Luther King Jr. birthday (Mon) February 15 - President's Day (Mon) May 31 - Memorial Day (Mon) July 5 - Independence Day (Mon observed) La Posta Patrons contribute $100 or more for their subscription. Patrons recognize that the La Posta journal, along with its books, is a vital force that helps build and sustain interest in American postal history. Patron, Benefactor and Sustainer contributions go beyond just supporting the journal and help fund our research and publishing Post Magazine is dedicated to serving the most intensely dynamic segment of the entertainment industry: Post Production. Post magazine has over 25 years of experience covering this business.